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O Come Redeemer of the Earth (SATB)

O Come Redeemer of the Earth (SATB)

5+: 1.56 ea.
100+: 1.46 ea.


(Pricing and availability is subject to change without notice. Please call for the latest information.)
Brian Hanson

Another timeless anthem from composer Brian L. Hanson. Using a fourth-century text from Ambrose of Milan, this piece is exquisite from its delicate beginning to the powerful ending. Beautiful vocal lines feature SA and TB combinations separately, then bring the choir together through intimate harmonies and suspensions. Would be perfect for any Advent service, Vespers, or even a midnight Christmas mass.

Voicing: SATB with piano

Composer: Brian L. Hanson

Text: Ambrose of Milan, Brian L. Hanson

Season: Advent and Christmas
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