For SSAATTBB Voices By Carol Barnett & Philip Dodridge "An American Thanksgiving was commissioned by the Dale Warland Singers for their final season and premiered on November 1, 2003. The...
On sale! $1.80 $1.44Composer Malcolm Archer for SATB (with divisions) and organ This work is by turns joyous and reflective. Rich harmonies, shifting tonalities, and expressive melodies. Item Number:...
On sale! $3.40Voicing: SATB div, Piano By Emma Lou Diemer Sustained harmonies set the stage for this beautiful setting of the Thomas Troeger poem celebrating the beauty of nature and God's glory. Elingboe...
On sale! $1.48For SATB Divisi with Piano By Jason McCoy A stunning addition to the Choristers Guild catalog, Jason McCoy's setting of Agnus Dei offers a challenge to more advanced mixed choirs. The lavish...
On sale! $1.96from Adagio for Strings, Op. 11 Latin Only OC11486 Voicing: SATB Composer: Samuel Barber Selected by the National Endowment for the Arts as an one of the "American Masterpieces" of choral...
On sale! $1.56For SATB divisi Voices and Organ By Gerald Custer With a very singable refrain, this joyful declaration of our promise of eternal life builds steadily to its exultant end. Very accessible to...
On sale! $1.72SATB Composer: Joel Raney Author: Terry W. York Scripture: Genesis 50:20; I Peter 5:10; James 1:12; Romans 8:28 Layers of beauty characterize this lofty anthem of encouragement. A noble...
On sale! $1.80Elaine Hagenberg Text: All shall be Amen and Alleluia. We shall rest and we shall see. We shall see and we shall know. We shall know and we shall love. Behold our end which is no end....
On sale! $2.60For SATB divisi voices and piano By Hal H. Hopson A lovely anthem with rich text for times of blessing, sending, and commissioning. Hopson uses the beloved Irish blessing for the text of this...
On sale! $1.56Canon Michael McCarthy, Director of Music at the National Cathedral, has written original music to the traditional text which begins "May the road rise to meet you…". A brief tenor solo begins...
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