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Near - Three Easter Hymns *POP*

Near - Three Easter Hymns *POP*

1 Available
for $12.50*


* Please email us at [email protected]
to order at this price

(Pricing and availability is subject to change without notice. Please call for the latest information.)
This is instrumental parts ONLY and will ONLY work with the original score

This item is permanently out of print by the publisher.

Arranged for congregational singing with accompaniments for Organ and Brass Quartet(Two Trumpets, Two Trombones).

Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
Easter Hymn/Lyra Davidica/Worgan

He Is Risen! He Is Risen
Neander/Unser Herrscher

The Strife Is O'er

Parts include:
Trumpets I and II
Trombones I and II
Near - Three Easter Hymns
Product #: AE127

