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Folk Hymn Sing-Along Songbook (Preview Pack)

Folk Hymn Sing-Along Songbook (Preview Pack)

1 Available
for $7.00*


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to order at this price

(Pricing and availability is subject to change without notice. Please call for the latest information.)
Preview Pack includes 1 Book and 1 Listening CD

Arr. Anna Laura Page and Jean Anne Shafferman

The Folk Hymn Sing-Along Songbook is the second collection in the popular Sacred Sing-Along Series. This exciting series is a wonderful source of 2-part mixed "emergency anthems" throughout the year. The unique sing-along format with REPRODUCIBLE unison congregational songsheets is ideal both for summer worship, congregational dinners or retreats, Sunday school programs, church camps and revivals. Program them for a hymn sing in worship. Teach them to and perform them with children. Offering a vital link with our rich Christian musical heritage, the Folk Hymn Sing-Along Songbook includes five medleys on eleven treasured hymn favorites. Coordinated scripture readings are included for each medley. Don't miss the money-saving Choir Kit, featuring 10 songbooks and an orchestrated accompaniment/performance CD recording. Titles Include: Medley of Grace (Jerusalem, My Happy Home & Amazing Grace (Martyrdom & New Britain) * Camp Meeting (Brethren, We Have Met to Worship & How Firm a Foundation) * Redeeming Love (Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing & Be Thou My Vision) * Simple Gifts ('Tis the Gift to Be Simple & Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow) * My Shepherd (My Shepherd Will Supply My Need & The King of Love My Shepherd Is)
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