Price based on current conversion rates. 100 improvisations which may be stretched or shrunk to suit the occasion M570047659 9781840036329
On sale! $23.19Publisher: Shawnee Press Organ Collection Composer: Albin C. Whitworth HF5113
$19.9920 original pieces on hymns for Epiphany, the Baptism of Christ, and The Transfiguration Forces or Category: Organ Oxford Hymn Settings for Organists New settings for organ of all the major...
On sale! $17.20A collection of non-hymn-based compositions useful for worship, teaching, and concert. Pieces are from from a wide variety of styles, centuries, and composers. The pedal parts are intentionally...
On sale! $22.00 $13.00The Augsburg Organ Library collection reflects the twentieth-century renewal of the organ and its music. This volume includes classic chorales to global songs--marvelous hymns of grace and faith...
On sale! $40.00Exciting and assertive, these settings are as satisfying to learn as they are to hear. Not pieces to sightread for the prelude, however!
On sale! $14.40Composer: Bach, Johann Sebastian, Pinkham, Daniel "Sheep May Safely Graze" comes from Cantata No. 208, Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd (What pleases me is the lively hunt only) also...
On sale! $7.20Composer: Fauré, Gabriel, Pinkham, Daniel Gabriel Fauré (1845–1924) composed his beautiful, brooding "Nocturne" from Shylock in 1889. Originally scored for string orchestra, it is deftly...
On sale! $7.20Compositions designed by the German and American Lutheran masters for practical integration into worship. The registrations are designed for two manuals and pedal. However, they may also be played...
On sale! $19.99Compositions designed by the German and American Lutheran masters for practical integration into worship. The registrations are designed for two manuals and pedal. However, they may also be played...
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