All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray For SATB a cappella and SATB and Keyboard By Kenneth T. Kosche Constructed almost as a choral recitative and aria, the first section "But He Was Pierced" is...
On sale! $1.80For Organ Duet Barrie Cabena
On sale! $26.25 $18.38Four Louisiana Creole Folk Songs No. 3 Calinda For SATB voices divisi, opt. piano By Louis Reichwein To music in a lilting 6/8, the text describes a ball, which, despite being held in a barn,...
On sale! $2.25 $1.80Voicing: 3-Part Womens Voices (SSA) Composer: Z. Randall Stroope Poet George Herbert's language is simple, yet subtly bold. Z. Randall Stroope's musical setting of this timeless text (nearly...
On sale! $1.36Neo-Romantic. Incorporates six Christmas tunes: ADESTE FIDELIS STILLE NACHT THE FIRST NOWELL DIVINUM MYSTERIUM ES IST EIN ROS MENDELSSOHN Flute (M); Organ (M-MD)
On sale! $6.40For French Horn and Organ Warm setting of Tallis' Third Mode Melody. French Horn part included.
On sale! $6.40Composed by: Charles Callahan Four movements include: I. Solemn Prelude AUS DER TIEFE RUFE ICH (HEINLEIN); Love Unknown; A LA VENUE DE NOEL II. Improvisation on Were You There WERE YOU...
On sale! $10.00 $7.00For Flute and Organ THE ASH GROVE and ST. GEORGE'S, WINDSOR. Minimal technical difficulties. Accompaniment may be Organ or piano. Flute (M-MD); Organ (M)
On sale! $5.20By: Charles Callahan Difficulty: Moderately Easy Variety of styles. Interdenominational in scope and appeal. Minimal technical demands. Includes: - The King Shall Come - Creator of the...
On sale! $10.00 $7.50By: Charles Callahan Difficulty: Moderately Easy Imaginative, lyrical, practical, worthy literature for amateur/professional. Interdenominational in scope and appeal. Minimal technical demands....
On sale! $11.00 $8.25No products
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