HYMN IMPROVISATIONS Includes: We Praise You, O God Praise to the Lord, the Almighty Now Thank We All Our God Oh, that I Had a Thousand Voices
On sale! $9.00 $6.30688670107528 Includes: All Glory Be to God on High Earth and All Stars Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow God Himself is Present
On sale! $11.00 $7.15Includes: At the Name of Jesus Praise the Almighty Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise The God of Abraham Praise
On sale! $7.20Hymn Improvisations 688670107641 A continuation of one of MorningStar's most popular series. These settings are classic Burkhardt pairing oft-used hymns with fresh, creative arrangements. Will...
On sale! $12.80A brand new addition to one of our most popular series by Michael Burkhardt. Energetic and creative settings. Contents: Come, Join the Dance of Trinity (KINGSFOLD) Come, Thou Fount of Every...
On sale! $12.80For Congregation, Descanting Voices, Brass Quartet, Timpani, opt. Strings, opt. Tuba and Organ Description A rousing and stirring setting of Lobe den Herren for festival services as well as...
On sale! $16.00688670108600 Includes: Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service BEACH SPRING With the Lord Begin Your Task FANG DEIN WERK Let Us Ever Walk with Jesus LASSET UNS MIT JESU ZIEHEN Lost in...
On sale! $16.00 $10.40Two settings of this traditional long-lived chorale SCHMÜCKE DICH. The first quotes Paul Manz's"E'en So, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come" in D-flat to accommodate its use with the choral setting. The...
On sale! $9.00 $5.85Includes: EARTH AND ALL STARS Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word ERHALT UNS, ERR The Heavens Declare Your Glory FAITHFUL You Are Our God; We Are Your People JANNA My Soul...
On sale! $10.00Organ Composer Michael Burkhardt Burkhardt's sense of good spirits and humor abound in this theme and four variation set, suitable for a recital or worship service. Specific registration...
On sale! $11.20No products
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