This piece will find many uses when added to your repertoire. This handbell version has been arranged for 3 octaves with only 4 notes used from the upper part of the 4th octave. Arr. Douglas E....
On sale! $4.20Bring out your mallets for this exciting Peggy Bettcher arrangement of David Ruis' popular contemporary praise song. Rhythmic drive and energy prevail throughout with the use of syncopation,...
On sale! $4.40Composed By: Gloria Axelson Octaves: 3-5 Level: 3 Season: Concert, General This lively original Spanish dance is super fun to play with a catchy tune that engages all of your ringers! With...
On sale! $3.603-5 oct. w/opt. Tap Shoes "Ezekiel Saw the Wheel" and "I Got Shoes" Arr. Hart Morris
On sale! $4.60Here is a fun original composition tailored for the developing choir. Ringers will have a blast learning the varied stopped techniques, and audiences and congregations will be humming the tune long...
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