This collection comprises ten diverse and easy organ works, each rooted in a hymn commonly sung in worship services around the American holiday of Thanksgiving. These pieces vary in mood, style, and length, making them perfect choices for preludes, offertories, and postludes. And since there's no reason to confine our thankfulness to one time of year, all are naturally suitable for general settings as well.
Title: Composer
A Thanksgiving Offering: Phil Lehenbauer
Come, Ye Thankful People, Come: Douglas E. Wagner
Bicinium on "Nun danket all und bringet Ehr": Karen Beaumont
Let All Things Now Living: Mark Hayes
Epilogue on "We Gather Together": John G Barr
Trio on "Ash Grove": Douglas E. Wagner
Now Thank We All Our God: Lloyd Larson
Postlude on "Now Thank We All Our God": Franklin D. Ashdown
Let All Give Thanks and Praise: Richard A. Williamson
Reflection on "Kremser": David Lasky