Printed from our digital subscription "Lorenz Online," this volume of The Organist's Library contains approximately 30 pieces of music that are satisfying to play but technically accessible and presented in a handy coil-bound format. These moderately challenging pieces for worship services feature hymn-tune settings, arrangements drawn from the classics, and original works. The duration, suggested registration, and common usages are provided for each title.
Title: Composer
Leggiero: Lani Smith
Fanfare on the Doxology: William Phemister
It Is Well with My Soul: Nigel Williams
Prelude on "Azmon": Robert Lau
Trio on "Herzlich lieb": Phil Lehenbauer
Meditation on "Moment by Moment": James Conely
Satisfied: Carolyn Hamlin
O Love, How Deep: Mark Sedio
Christians, We Have Met to Worship: John A Stallsmith
What Wondrous Love: Peter Niedmann
Down by the Riverside: Marianne Kim
For the Beauty of the Earth: Robert Lau
Sortie in C: Martin Ellis
Prayer of Meditation: Mary McDonald
Shall We Gather at the River?: David Kidwell
A Quiet Moment: David Lasky
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God: Marianne Kim
Come, Ye Thankful People, Come: Robert M Thompson
Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus: Peter Niedmann
Toccata: Rejoice Always: Richard A. Williamson
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel: Marianne Kim
Reflection on "Azmon": David Lasky
Sortie in G: Martin Ellis
Prelude on "Vom Himmel hoch": Nancy Folkerts
Variations on "Awake! My Soul": Robert J. Powell
Trumpet Tune in D minor: William Phemister
Festive Concertino on "Nettleton": Felix Bräuer
Carol Prelude on "Silent Night": Stanley E Saxton
O Come, All Ye Faithful: Michael Helman
A Distant Star: Martin Ellis