Don't be fooled by the title or cover art! This is not a "how to" book on organ chamber housekeeping! The subtitle tells the story: "a 'pull-out-all-stops' collection for the church organist." It's a known fact (well, almost!) that all organists (well, almost!) LOVE to play loud music, and that all listeners (well, almost!) enjoy it. Therefore, PIPE DUSTERS VOLUME III, will provide appropriate music for any worship service (or other occasion, including weddings) when brilliant, festive organ music is desired. A quick look at the impressive index (and an examination of the music itself) will prove the point. Dust your pipes (or speakers) frequently by using this unusual new collection.
Contents: Trumpets Of Heaven The (David Paxton); Laudation (Gilbert M Martin); Christ For The World We Sing (Felice DeGiardini); Life Everlasting (David Paxton); Finale In C Minor (Stanley E Saxton); Sing To The Lord Of Harvest (Dennis Eliot); Fanfare (Kevin L Raybuck); Festive Introit (Joseph Prentiss); Rise O Children Of Salvation (Joachim Neander); Sing To His Name (Gilbert M Martin); Trumpet Postlude (Rex Koury); Now All The Vault Of Heaven Resounds (Geistliche Kirchengesange); Fanfare For A Festive Occasion (Lani Smith); Fanfare (Humphrey Turner); Christ The Lord Is Risen Today; Resurrection Fanfare A (Lani Smith); Postlude In G (Henry Kihlken)