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At His Name (SATB Choral Book)

At His Name (SATB Choral Book)

5+: 10.36 ea.
50+: 9.71 ea.


(Pricing and availability is subject to change without notice. Please call for the latest information.)
Arranger Joel Raney

This 30-minute musical reflects on Jesus's ministry and life on earth, and looks at the monumental effect his name has had on history. Told through six choral anthems with narration this work traces Jesus' life from his first preaching to the final momentous events of his passion. The music is mostly original and covers a range of styles. Accompaniment can be provided by just piano, CD or ED Hogan's orchestration. The half-hour length makes it ideal for including in a worship service anytime during Lent, or Holy Week, and it would be particularly poignant on Palm Sunday.
At His Name (Bulk CDs)
Product #: 8875
At His Name (Preview Pack)
Product #: 8876
At His Name (Orchestration)
Product #: 8874

