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Road to Calvary (SATB Choral Book)

Road to Calvary (SATB Choral Book)

5+: 10.36 ea.
50+: 9.71 ea.


(Pricing and availability is subject to change without notice. Please call for the latest information.)
A Journey of Grace & Resurrection
Arranged by Daniel Semsen

Easter! Resurrection Sunday! Believers across the world gather to offer praise and thanksgiving as they celebrate our Lord's glorious victory over death, hell and the grave! Cries of "Hallelujah, He is risen!" ring out in the halls of cathedrals, from behind pulpits, and within the walls of our churches; they soar around the globe on broadcast signals, are proclaimed on the hillsides, shouted from the shores during Easter Sunrise services, and rise up from choir lofts, as singers lift their voices to sing of our Redeemer and conquering King. Yes, Hallelujah! He is risen!

But before God's awesome display of resurrection power raised Christ from the dead, the Savior had to walk that long, lonely road leading to Calvary. It is on that dark and dangerous road, through a journey of sorrow and suffering, that Christ willingly went to the cross. There He died for our sins, paying the ultimate price for our redemption.

ROAD TO CALVARY, the new Easter musical from Word Music & Church Resources, arranged by Daniel Semsen, walks us down the path leading to Calvary's road. Together we follow His footsteps as Jesus traveled from Nazareth, across the hills of Galilee, traversing the Mount of Olives, and walking a lifetime of steps toward Gethsemane. There He prayed all alone in the garden, agonizing over the terrible pain and suffering He knew He would soon endure. Carrying the weight of our sins up Calvary's hill, He gave His life's blood for the redemption of every man, woman and child; there He established this unimaginably beautiful truth for all people, for all time...Calvary covers it all.
Road to Calvary (Listening CD)
Product #: 080689962226
Road to Calvary (Preview Pack)
Product #: 080689644399
Road to Calvary (Accompaniment CD)
Product #: 080689997129
Road to Calvary (Accompaniment DVD)
Product #: 080689629099
Road to Calvary (Bulk CDs)
Product #: 080689887727
Road to Calvary (RehearsalTracks)
Product #: 080689768026
Road to Calvary (Orchestration)
Product #: 080689557675
Road to Calvary (Stem Mixes)
Product #: 080689741142
Road to Calvary (Posters)
Product #: 080689524196
Road to Calvary (Bulletins)
Product #: 080689524202

