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O Praise the Gracious Power (SATB)

O Praise the Gracious Power  (SATB)

5+: 1.80 ea.
100+: 1.69 ea.


(Pricing and availability is subject to change without notice. Please call for the latest information.)
Voicing: Treble Choir, SATB, Handbells, Brass Quartet and Organ, with opt. Congregation
Arranged by John Ferguson

A unique anthem matching a powerful Thomas Troeger text with a tune (CHRISTPRAISE RAY) by Carol Doran, and arranged in a brilliant array of colors combining choir, congregation, organ and optional brass. A reproducible congregational part is provided.
O Praise the Gracious Power (Score)
Product #: MSM504052A
O Praise the Gracious Power (Parts)
Product #: MSM504052B

