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Look How He Lifted Me (SATB)

Look How He Lifted Me (SATB)

5+: 1.72 ea.
100+: 1.61 ea.


(Pricing and availability is subject to change without notice. Please call for the latest information.)
w/Love Lifted me
Arranged by Marty Hamby

What a fresh and fun new spin on the message and spirit of the classic song "Love Lifted Me"! Your choir will beg you to let them sing this one...over and over. Fun, energetic, fresh, and contemporary, with a respectful yet playful nod to one of the great old gospel songs of days gone by. Enjoy!
Look How He Lifted Me (Accompaniment CD)
Product #: 080689113338
Look How He Lifted Me (Orchestration)
Product #: 080689244087

