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I Lift My Hands (POD)

I Lift My Hands (POD)

5+: 1.43 ea.
100+: 1.34 ea.


(Pricing and availability is subject to change without notice. Please call for the latest information.)
Order Minimum of 10
Vociing: SATB w/Solo 005488699
Words and Music by Christ Tomlin, Matt Maher, Louie Giglio
Arranged & Orchestrated by Cliff Duren

Powerful arrangement of a chart-topping song, recorded by Chris Tomlin on And If Our God Is for Us. From America's Best Praise and Worship Series.
I Lift My Hands (Acc. CD)
Product #: 634337306742
I Lift My Hands (Orch)
Product #: 634337306759

