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He's Alive (SATB Choral Book) *POP*

He's Alive (SATB Choral Book) *POP*



(Pricing and availability is subject to change without notice. Please call for the latest information.)
Arranger: Bradley Knight

A powerful 45-minute Easter presentation, entitled He's Alive! From cover to cover, this unparalleled choral resource is filled with many of the most-loved Easter songs of all time, brilliantly arranged and orchestrated by Bradley Knight in ways that, until now, you've never even imagined! Also introducing several soon-to-be favorite anthems, this anointed musical celebration will provide ultimate impact to your annual Passion experience. Your choir and congregation will be forever changed as they examine their lives in the light of Jesus' Triumphal Entry, surrender in the Garden of Gethsemane, Crucifixion, Death and glorious Resurrection. Unique and flexible in its compilation, this book can be performed in its entirety as an all-inclusive work, or can be the ultimate lifesaver when you're looking for the ideal moment to improve your Easter production. Regardless of the size of your choir, He's Alive! is certain to take any Easter worship celebration to a whole new level!

Songs include: Crown Him With Many Crowns • Crown Of Thorns • Gateway To Gethsemane (Underscore) • He's Alive • He's Alive Reprise • Hosanna • In A Heartbeat • Not My Will with Come, Holy Spirit • Redeemer • The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power • There's Not A Crown Without A Cross

He's Alive (Preview Pack) *POP*
Product #: 4575708511
He's Alive (CD) *POP*
Product #: 4575708512
He's Alive (Acc. CD) *POP*
Product #: 4575708513
He's Alive (Orch) *POP*
Product #: 4575708518
He's Alive (Score) *POP*
Product #: 4575708519
He's Alive (Rehearsal-Sop) *POP*
Product #: 4575708520
He's Alive (Rehearsal-Alto) *POP*
Product #: 4575708525
He's Alive (Rehearsal-Tenor) *POP*
Product #: 4575708526
He's Alive (Rehearsal-Bass) *POP*
Product #: 4575708527
He's Alive (Bulletins) *POP*
Product #: 4575708528
He's Alive (Posters) *POP*
Product #: 4575708529
He's Alive (Rhythm Charts) *POP*
Product #: 4575708591
He's Alive (Brass Parts) *POP*
Product #: 4575708592
He's Alive (String Parts) *POP*
Product #: 4575708593
He's Alive (Woodwind Parts) *POP*
Product #: 4575708594

