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Our Father (SATB) *POD*

Our Father (SATB) *POD*



(Pricing and availability is subject to change without notice. Please call for the latest information.)
Composer: Robert Sterling
Author: Robert Sterling

Uses: General

Scripture: Matthew 6:9-13

The celebrated passage where Jesus teaches His followers to pray is often set to music. This melodic original brings new understanding to the words of this foundational Scripture. Following the natural arch of the text, the music rises and falls effortlessly with caressing tenderness. As the anthem develops, the music grows in intensity to this regal, final affirmation: "For yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever!" The final sounds of the anthem are a series of meditative, hushed "Amens" that bring the prayer to a gentle and reverent conclusion.

Our Father (Acc. CD) *POP*
Product #: 35028105
Our Father (Orch) - Digital
Product #: 35028104

