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Only a Couple Fishes (2 Part)

Only a Couple Fishes (2 Part)

5+: 2.00 ea.
100+: 1.88 ea.


(Pricing and availability is subject to change without notice. Please call for the latest information.)
An animated retelling of the ancient "loaves and fishes" story…with generosity at its core

Commissioned by American Composers Forum's Faith Partners Program

Poet/Lyricist: Elizabeth Alexander
The rhymes are so clever, along with the rhythms: "incredible, edible...rumbling, grumbling, crumbling, humbling…" I am singing this song constantly!" Kathleen Radspinner, Music Educator, College of St. Catherine

At first glance, this song offers a light-hearted retelling of the ancient story of the five loaves and two fishes. But a closer look reveals a deeper truth: that heartfelt gratitude and radical generosity can bring forth an abundant feast for everyone.

The syncopated Latin rhythms of the verses contrast with the graceful arching lines of the chorus. In the final occurrence of the chorus it may be sung in 2, 3 or 4 parts. The audience/congregation may be invited to join in singing the final chorus.
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