Chandler Music Inc.
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Songs of Victory (Rehearsal)

Songs of Victory (Rehearsal)



(Pricing and availability is subject to change without notice. Please call for the latest information.)
This set contains four CD masters, one for each part: soprano, alto, tenor, bass. All vocals and accompaniment can be heard with the selected part dominant in the mix. There is a moderate charge to copy CDs for choir members.
Arranged & Orchestrated by Steve W. Mauldin
Songs of Victory
Product #: 9780834183377
Songs of Victory (CD)
Product #: 765762172227
Songs of Victory (Acc. CD-Split)
Product #: 765762172425
Songs of Victory (Acc. CD-Stereo)
Product #: 765762172524
Songs of Victory (Preview Pack)
Product #: 765762227408
Songs of Victory (Bulk CD)
Product #: 765762172326

