This collection by David Lasky serves as a sequel to his previous book with the same title (70/2455L). In this volume, you will find a varied assortment of characterful pieces in different styles, including free meditations, postludes, and hymn settings. As always with Lasky's work, the practicality of their use in worship is paramount. From "Dance Toccata" to "Scherzo Giocoso," and from "Softly and Tenderly" to "Praise to the Lord, Almighty," these settings are sure to find a place in your service repertoire.
Meditation on "Thompson"
A Gentle Offering
Variations on "King's Weston"
Dance Toccata
Pastorale on "Lasst uns erfreuen"
Scherzo Giocoso
Postlude Brevis on "Lobe den Herren"