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His Name Shall Be (SATB) *POP*

His Name Shall Be (SATB) *POP*

1 Available
for $5.00*


* Please email us at [email protected]
to order at this price

(Pricing and availability is subject to change without notice. Please call for the latest information.)
Arranger Jonathan Walker and Carson Wagner

When Jesus was born; love broke through the heavens and came to earth to change the course of history. The name of Jesus is worthy of all adoration and praise. "His Name Shall Be" is an inspiring anthem, arranged by Jonathan Walker, calling all God's people to worship the reality that Jesus is, and forever will be, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
His Name Shall Be (Accompaniment CD) *POP*
Product #: 645757390532
His Name Shall Be (Orchestration) *POP*
Product #: 645757390587

