Title: Bells and Keys...More or Less
Arranged By: Sandra Eithun
Octaves: 1.5-2 w/opt. Keyboard
Level: 2
Season: General
The purpose of this collection is to offer a wide range of performance options when you may have more or less ringers and could possibly use a keyboard to add fullness if desired. These reproducible arrangements have been set for use with or without keyboard and with or without bass clef ringers. They can be performed with 12 bells in the treble (from C5 to G6), or with the addition of the bass clef for a full 2-octave ensemble sound. The general hymn titles are perfect for year-round ringing in any concert or worship service.
Song List:
- O Worship the King
- For the Beauty of the Earth
- I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say (O Sing a Song of Bethlehem)
- Fairest Lord Jesus (Beautiful Savior)
- Come, O Thou Traveler Unknown
- Jesus Shall Reign