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Precision Conducting

Precision Conducting



(Pricing and availability is subject to change without notice. Please call for the latest information.)
Seven Disciplines for Excellence in Conducting

Timothy W Sharp

This text is a unique find for the aspiring conductor - a sequenced approach to the many musical and extra-musical conducting skills that doesn't find itself mired in a complex presentation. Revised to include additional step-by-step exercises and examples, it remains rooted in its "Seven Disciplines for Excellence in Conducting." Promoting the kind of focused, dedicated study that conducting requires, these seven disciplines - analyzing, internalizing, researching, marking and conducting the score, and planning and leading the rehearsal - build on each other to continually reinforce earlier disciplines. Well suited for both self study and use in a conducting course or seminar, Precision Conducting is also an excellent resource for those looking to refresh an existing skill set.
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