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Everyday Heroes (Unison/2 Part) Choral Book *POP*

Everyday Heroes (Unison/2 Part) Choral Book *POP*



(Pricing and availability is subject to change without notice. Please call for the latest information.)
The stories of Gideon, Esther, and Nehemiah have never been told like this before! Jimmy and Gail Getzen's latest musical can actually be three minimusicals in one. Designed for children in grades 1–6, but may be adapted for middle school/junior high, Everyday Heroes uses a music video game backdrop to tell the stories of these three, ordinary Old Testament people made extraordinary through God's power-a power that can make heroes out of us today. From start to finish, this rocking musical runs 45 minutes, but its flexible format allows churches to shorten the program (by presenting only one or two Bible heroes, for example).
From the funk-infused rap of songs like "Where There's a Will, There's a Wall" to the quiet, contemplative ballad, "For Such a Time as This," kids not only learn a multitude of music styles, they learn that if they're willing, God will show them how to be a hero to people around them; it might be in a small way that no one else will even know about or it might be something so big everyone will know that God did it, not them!
Add to that fun dialogue, audience participation, and fun choreography (yes, including air guitar), plus great sound effects (available on the Accompaniment CD (PROD# 005213752), along with tracks recorded by live musicians), and you've got a musical that brings the past into the present, challenging the audience to think about their own heroic journeys. As your children unlock the story, they'll unleash their hero potential.
Everyday Heroes (Acc. CD) *POD*
Product #: 634337074894
Everyday Heroes (Inst DVD) *POD*
Product #: 634337074917

