Voicing: SATB Arranged and Orchestrated by Dave Williamson An uncompromising contemporary song from veteran arranger Dave Williamson contains a profound truth: "The blood is my victory."
On sale! $1.80Split-Track Accompaniment CD A Simple Easter for Kids Arrangers: David Ebensberger, Luke Gambill, Rhonda Frazier
$74.99Split-Track Accompaniment 12 Easy-to-Learn Arrangements for Every Choir Various Arrangers
$99.99CD ChoralTrax Arranged & Orchestrated by David T. Clydesdale
$29.95Voicing: SATB Composer: Bob Kauflin Arranger: Daniel Grassi Composer: Doug Plank This sensitive text and tune is beautifully arranged by Daniel Grassi. You will find this effective for...
On sale! $1.72This Listing is for Information ONLY - Not Avaialble! Composed By: Timothy Albrecht Two Christmas Preludes: - Angels We Have Heard On High - Comfort, Comfort Ye My People *11-10162
$7.50CD Choral Trax Accompaniment The popular song of aspiration from Keith and Kristyn Getty and Stuart Townend receives a rousing Celtic treatment from gifted arranger Daniel Semsen.
$29.95CD Choral Trax Accompaniment Arranged & Orchestrated by Daniel Semsen MQ14
$26.95Voicing: SATB Arranged & Orchestrated by Daniel Semsen Written by Brentwood-Benson writer Jonathan Lee, along with Tricia Brock and Nick Baumhardt. This song of invitation is a reminder that...
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