A Resurrection Celebration Created by David Guthrie Choral Arrangements by Robert Sterling
On sale! $7.95 $5.56Voicing: SATB Arranged & Orchestrated by Robert Sterling Word Choral Club - Easter 2008 Length: 12 min Release Date: October 12, 2007 pull-out from the collection He's Alive Forever...
On sale! $8.95 $6.56SATB-Rouse/Kirkland God did indeed love the world so much that He gave His only Son; allowed Him to be placed on the altar and sacrificed for our sins. The glorious, life-changing story of our...
$13.99A Musical for Easter Created by Deborah Craig-Claar and Camp Kirkland Arranged and Orchestated by Camp Kirkland EASY to DIFFICULT
On sale! $9.95 $9.95Created by: Dennis and Nan Allen 0834175908 Winner of the 2008 Dove Award Worship Leader Magazine Review Lovers of acoustic-flavored, guitar driven worship will want to consider this...
On sale! $7.19Voicing: 2-Part Mixed Chorus Bky Lloyd Larson A unique Palm/Passion Sunday program by Lloyd Larson! Amazing Love! opens with a joyous palm procession for children's voices and/or adult choir....
On sale! $3.16SATB Lloyd Larson Joel Raney Jesus' extraordinary love for others characterized His life and ministry. Yet, as He approached the end of His life, many were skeptical of His message. "Amazing...
On sale! $10.36Voicing: SATB Music by Lloyd Larson A unique Palm/Passion Sunday program by Lloyd Larson! Amazing Love! opens with a joyous palm procession for children's voices and/or adult choir. Then the...
On sale! $3.16An Easter Celebration of Hope Arranged by: Tom Fettke A choral presentation of God's love for us through His Son. From the creative talents of arranger TOM FETTKE comes a 40-minute...
On sale! $8.99 $6.29By Keith Fergusion and Bruce Greer Arranged and Orchestrated by Bruce Greer In this passionate musical drama, John shares how Jesus demonstrated a love that drew Him to the Cross. Combined with...
On sale! $7.95 $5.56No products
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