Bernard Wayne Sanders Contains: beach spring, o waly waly, sonne der gerechtigkeit, wohl denen, die da wandeln
On sale! $8.00 $5.20Based on American hymntunes of the 18th and 19th centuries, these short pieces provide a satisfying close to worship. While most are lively and loud, some are quieter and may be used when a bit...
On sale! $11.50 $7.48Seven short, useful, and creative Hymn Preludes. They are generally not much longer than the length of time that it takes to play through the complete hymn itself. Intended to be played in the...
On sale! $9.00 $6.30Short partita on chorale. Rhythmic solo line over walking pedal bass; pastorale-like second section. Final section may also serve as postlude.
On sale! $5.00 $3.25"Meaty" hymn announcements offer complete statement of hymn tune in intriguing fashion. Flute parts included. Includes: Your Word, O Lord, Is Gentle Dew Christ is the King O Day Full of Grace...
On sale! $7.00 $4.55MARK BRAMPTON SMITH The tune AZMON appears in bold Fanfare, relaxed melismatic Andante, joyful Trio, sprightly Scherzo (opt. humorous concert version), lush Adagio, rousing Finale.
On sale! $9.00 $5.85No products
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