Composed by: Gerhard Krapf Although not really a "season" in the traditional sense, Trinity Sunday is the first Sunday of the longest season of the liturgical year, lasting until Advent-nearly...
On sale! $18.00 $14.40Organizer: The Organist's Best Friend! Arranged by: Geoffrey Lorenz An ideal collection of short interludes, fanfares and quick key changes every church organist will want within a hand's...
On sale! $10.95 $7.67Composed by: Christopher Uehlein 1110394 0800653343
On sale! $23.00 $16.10New and well-loved composers provide a variety of styles and difficulty levels for festivals and ordinary days throughout the church season.
On sale! $20.00 $14.00Composed by: Janet Linker A majestic Introduction on Lasst uns erfreuen clearly states the hymn tune at the beginning of this set of variations. Variations that follow are a Chorale Fantasy that...
On sale! $11.00 $7.70Composed by: Paul Manz Improve on the popular tune HOUSTON. Incorporates"Oh, Come, Little Children" (IHR KINDERLEIN KOMMET) partially in quiet A section. B section in new tonality builds in...
On sale! $8.00 $5.60Composed by: Julian Wachner "Agape" from Triptych for Organ and Large Orchestra for Organ Solo
On sale! $8.00 $5.60Composed by: Julian Wachner "Angelus" from Triptych for Organ and Large Orchestra for Organ Solo
On sale! $18.50 $12.95Composed by: Searle Wright Large-scaled work. Tightly woven structure reflects grandeur and stateliness of Stanford's great tune ENGELBERG. Variety of compositional techniques.
On sale! $7.50 $5.25Composed by: Gilbert Martin Continuing our multi-volume collection from the wide and varied organ library of The Sacred Music Press, we proudly present our Spring volume--from Christ's glorious...
On sale! $33.00 $23.10No products
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