SATB A Christmas Musical Arranged by Joel Raney From Joel Raney, this Christmas cantata features both original and familiar carols that are sure to inspire, thrill, inform, and entertain. The...
On sale! $7.16Choral Book Unison/2 Part A Simple Series Christmas Various Arrangers 21 Minues Simple Series arrangements that are easy for every voice to learn Narration by Sue C. Smith that shares the...
$8.99SATB Choral Book Arrangers: Russell Mauldin, Sue C. Smith Ready To Sing Christmas presents What Christmas Really Means, arranged by Russell Mauldin with narration by Sue C. Smith. At...
On sale! $7.19SATB Choral Book A Christmas Musical of Worship & Wonder Created by Tony Wood & Michael Farren Arranged & Orchestrated by Cliff Duren "It was a moment like none other in heaven. One night...
On sale! $10.36SATB Arranger John Leavitt From John Leavitt comes this elegant cantata for Christmas, set up in the form of a classic "Lessons and Carols" service. A colorful tapestry of beautiful sounds,...
On sale! $7.16Voicing: SATB, Piano with Optional Orchestra, Accompaniment CD, Rehearsal CDs Mark Hayes, Composer "What Sweeter Music" is a sumptuous feast of fifteen Christmas carols plus several original...
On sale! $10.36A Christmas Musical for Senior Adult Choir Arranged and Orchestrated by Marty Parks Veteran arranger and respected leader in the field of contemporary evangelical church music, Marty Parks...
On sale! $10.36Jay Rouse, Rose Aspinall, Randy Vader SATB and Piano with optional Rehearsal CDs, Accompaniment CD, Full Orchestra, Split-Track CD, Bulk Performance CDs, Stem Files Disc "When We Needed a King"...
On sale! $10.36A Hide And Seek Christmas Musical Voicing: Unison / Two-part, Piano Anna Laura Page (Composer) Jean Anne Shafferman (Composer) From a simple, timeless child's game comes a meaningful...
On sale! $49.95 $39.96Choral Book Arranged by Cliff Duren, Phillip Keveren & Camp Kirkland The world that slept that night as the star shown over the Bethlehem skyline awoke to a new day filled with hope and...
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