Arrangers: Cliff Duren, David Moffitt This distinctively unique title spotlights a uniquely distinctive musical presentation produced and created by Cliff Duren and David Moffitt. Purposed to...
$8.99Accompaniment CD Marty Hamby
$29.99Orchestration CD-ROM Marty Hamby
$74.99SATB Arranged by Marty Hamby Marty Hamby lends his arranging and orchestrating expertise to this up-tempo Southern gospel tune written by Matthew and Tommy Browder. Originally recorded by the...
On sale! $2.50 $2.50Accompaniment CD Travis Cottrell
$29.99Orchestration CD-ROM Arranged byTravis Cottrell
$74.99SATB Arrangd by Travis Cottrell Travis Cottrell captures the wonder of Christmas with this blend of songs. The worship-filled arrangement gives your choir a chance to team up with a local high...
$1.99Accompaniment CD Arranger Mson Brown and Ethan Asters
$29.99Orchestration - CD-ROM Arranger Mason Brown and Ethan Asters
$74.99SATB Arranger Mason Borwn and Ethan Asters "Living Hope" is the leading single from Phil Wickham's new album and is already a strong worship song in the church. In this new anthem arrangement...
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