SATB Arranger Daniel Semsen The Road to Calvary, arranged and orchestrated by Daniel Semsen from the musical Road to Calvary, is a gentle anthem that dynamically grows and swells into a...
On sale! $2.36Cindy Berry SATB and Piano with optional 2 Trumpets and 2 Trombones (Perf/Acc CD, Accompaniment MP3) This beautiful anthem by Cindy Berry praises the the Rock of our salvation, Jesus Christ. A...
On sale! $2.20For Two-part or SATB, Organ Opt. Congregation By Paul D. Weber Appropriate for Good Friday and Holy Week. Paul Weber melded both the ancient chant VEXILLA REGIS with his hymn tune VEXILLA...
On sale! $1.28SATB Arranger Jon Paige Composer: George Frideric Handel Author: Pamela Stewart Uses: Introit, Multi-Generational, Palm Sunday Scripture: II Kings 9:13; John 12:12-19; Psalm 24:7-10; Zechariah...
On sale! $1.68SATB Arranger Phil Nitz Originally recorded on the latest Passion Conference Worship project, this compelling song is climbing the CCLI worship charts quickly. The orchestration by Mason Brown...
$1.99Voicing: SATB Words: American Folk Hymn and William B. Tappen, music by Ken Medema (incorporating "Wondrous Love") Blending "What Wondrous Love" with new material, this new Ken Medema Lenten...
On sale! $1.56'The Seven Words from the Cross,' a composite text from the New Testament Gospels, is set here by Carl F. Schalk for mixed choir (SATB), soloists, and handbells. This setting is designed for the...
On sale! $2.80For SATB Chorus and Organ By Leo Nestor I Am the Good Shepherd was first performed at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California, on April 29, 2012, Frank Brownstead...
On sale! $1.56For SATB Chorus and Organ By Leo Nestor I Am the Good Shepherd was first performed at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California, on April 29, 2012, Frank Brownstead...
On sale! $1.56For SATB Chorus and Organ By Daniel Pinkham Rather than using traditional Passion texts from the books of Luke or John, Pinkham chose words by Richard Crashaw (c. 1612-1649) for his"Small...
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