The Scottish lament tune "Flowers of the Forest" is paired with a new text by Susan Palo Cherwien in this stately anthem for two part mixed choir and organ. The text echos a "beatitudes" motif, as...
On sale! $2.12A flowing setting of the familiar hymn for flute and handbells. The Flute introduces the chorale melody, accompanied by original thematic material in the handbells. The melody is later presented in...
On sale! $3.60For Two-part Treble Chorus and Orchestra or optional Piano By Gwyneth Walker The texts for Blessings from the Children are found in the collection In Every Tiny Grain of Sand - A Child's Book...
On sale! $1.80For Two-part Treble Chorus and Orchestra or opt. Piano By Gwyneth Walker The texts for Blessings from the Children are found in the collection In Every Tiny Grain of Sand - A Child's Book of...
On sale! $2.24For Two-part Treble Chorus and Orchestra or optional Piano By Gwyneth Walker The texts for Blessings from the Children are found in the collection In Every Tiny Grain of Sand - A Child's Book...
On sale! $1.80Voicing: SATB or Unison Choir, and Organ with opt. Congregation By Michael A. Perry & Hal H. Hlpson Setting by Michael Burkhardt A three-stanza Michael Perry paraphrase of Song of Zechariah...
On sale! $1.48This collection consists of hymns associated with the church and community, including The Sovereignty of God, The Church Triumphant, and Baptism. They are useful as preludes, offertories,...
On sale! $15.16Voicing: SATB Composer: David Cherwien A new tune and setting for this well known and deeply meaningful text. It is a slow and comforting piece which primarily is in two-part texture for the...
On sale! $1.56By Mark E. Bloedow Reflective, meditative. Includes: Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence PICARDY Let Us Break Bread Together LET US BREAK BREAD O Bread of Life from Heaven O WELT, ICH...
On sale! $7.00 $4.55For SATB Chorus and Piano By Gregory J. Hutter
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