For SATB Chorus (Divisi) and Piano By John David Earnest The beloved hymn Be Thou My Vision has long been part of our rich musical heritage of hymnody. The text is by St. Dallan Forgaill (6th...
On sale! $2.08Voicing: SATB Composer: Claude L. Bass A new melodic treatment is used with this favorite Irish hymn. Long, flowing melodic lines and a lush accompaniment make this piece well worth adding...
On sale! $1.36Five variations take this beloved melody (SCHÖNSTER HERR JESU/CRUSADERS' HYMN) into fresh waters. Flowing Allegro moderato in 6/8, sonatina-like Allegro in 4/4, rollicking Allegro vivo in 5/8 --...
On sale! $7.00 $5.00For SATB Voices and Organ, with opt. Congregation By Michael Burkhardt Rich organ accompaniment is used to undergird this lovely setting of the tune SCHÖNSTER HERR JESU. Deeply meaningful for...
On sale! $1.36Ringeltänze 3. Beautiful Star Libby Larsen SATB soli, SATB, Keyboard (Organ or Piano) or Strings, Handbells
On sale! $1.80If you'd like something new to work on for worship or recital use, these will be well worth it. The contrast of dramatic chordal figurations and energetic counterpoint are a common thread between...
On sale! $9.60Voicing: SATB and Organ Composer: David Shcelat A beautiful Christmas text that tells the story of the birth of Christ--giving special honor to the Virgin Mary. A particularly effective...
On sale! $1.36Spiritual based on the tune KUM BA YAH/DESMOND. Three movements artistically reflect three familiar stanzas.
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