For SATB Voices and Unison Chor (or Soloist) with Keyboard and Opt. 7 Handbells (included) Arranged by Joel Raney Children's and adult choirs join forces in this original antiphonal anthem...
On sale! $2.32Greg Gilpin This playful SAB original calls to us in Latin to shout for joy to God. The three parts echo, respond, and layer upon each other until a middle section where they come together...
On sale! $2.36Bulk pack (Pack of 10) listening CD Allen Pote / Words By: Tom Long
$79.95CD Preview Pack (1 book and 1 listeing CD) *Limit 1 per customer Allen Pote / Words By: Tom Long
$17.95General Youth Musical. Here is the latest in the Pote/Long line of highly successful youth musicals - and one of their finest to date! In this 45 minute retelling of the Exodus story, they...
On sale! $10.36This very lyric and relaxed piece can be rung with a full choir or with an ensemble. The quarter note equals 50 - 54 for most of the piece, and it should be "cantabile" and "espressivo". There is...
On sale! $4.20(Come Ye Sinners Poor & Needy) "I will arise and go to Jesus" is a portion of the text that accompanies the traditional American melody "Come Ye Sinners Poor and Needy" on which this arrangement...
On sale! $3.96Although the piece undergoes several key changes, the meter remains in 3/4, thereby giving the ringers one less concern. This music should be a delight to the congregation and ringers alike....
On sale! $3.20No products
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