Combine your adult, student, and children's choirs to share this up-beat Christmas anthem. The innovative multi-genrational arrangement is a quintessential an unforgettable moment for any seasonal...
On sale! $1.51SATB Arranged by Dennis Allen This contemporary medley for Christmas from the Let's Sing musical, All Is Well, includes Joy to the World (Unspeakable Joy) by Ed Cash, Matt Gilder, and Chris...
On sale! $1.43SATB Arranger Daniel Semsen This captivatingly upbeat song from Integrity's Majesty in a Manger album, arranged and orchestrated by Daniel Semsen, is easy to learn and fun to sing! With catchy...
On sale! $2.56Voicing: SATB Arranged & Orchestrated by Robert Sterling
$1.50for SATB voices, accompanied with opt. Bb trumpet, flute Arranged by William Cutter William Cutter skillfully weaves five familiar carols into a tight, powerful 3 1/2 minute festival anthem....
On sale! $2.80Voicing: SATB, Piano with Optional Instrumental Parts Mark Hayes, Arranger Mark Hayes adapts two Handel tunes--"Joy to the World" and "Hallelujah" (from "Messiah")--in this fresh offering for...
On sale! $1.56Voicing: SATB, Piano Molly Ijames (Arranger) Keith Getty (Composer) Stuart Townend (Composer) Molly Ijames's majestic setting of "Joy Has Dawned" celebrates not only the birth of Christ,...
On sale! $1.72Voicing: SATB with Angels We Have Heard on High Arranged and Orchestrated by Daniel Semsen Daniel Semsen's stirring Celtic arrangement of the contemporary Christmas hymn "Joy Has Dawned"...
On sale! $2.56Voicing: SATB Arranger: David Angerman Composer: Keith Getty Author: Keith Getty Composer: Stuart Townend Author: Stuart Townend Uses: Christmas Eve, Christmas Scripture: Luke 1:35; Isaiah...
On sale! $2.00Voicing: SATB, Piano Robert Sterling (Arranger) Keith Getty (Composer) Stuart Townend (Author) A regal choice for Christmas! Inspired by a brilliant new hymn by Stuart Townend and Keith...
On sale! $1.68No products
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