Voicing: SSA, Piano By Allen Koepke Liven up the action for your choir with this zinger of a piece. Composer/poet Koepke has created a strictly for fun bit of nonsense, providing us with a...
On sale! $1.56TB Zion Hears the Watchmen Singing Arranger Emily Crocker
On sale! $1.36For SATB Voices and Piano By Matthew Swartz P1616 First Prize Winner of the 2015 California Voices II choral competition, this is an artistic rendering worth consideration. Using a German...
On sale! $1.96For SATB Voices with Piano Arranged by Dan Davison This dramatic arrangement of the spirited Israeli folk song is just wonderful! The harmonic treatment is authentic, and the exciting piano...
On sale! $2.00Voicing: SATB divisi Arranged by Maurice Goldman
On sale! $1.76For SSA Voices a cappella with Opt Piano and Opt. Hand Claps and Tambourine Arrangaed by Vicki Tucker Courtney This well-known Palestinian song depicts everyone working together as one...
On sale! $1.56For TBB Voices with Piano and Clarinet with Opt. Violin and Tambourine Arranged by Dan Miner This setting of the Israeli folk song offers developing TB choirs a different take on the classic...
On sale! $1.80No products
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