Voicing: SATB Composer: Michael Hurley Author: Michael Hurley Uses: General, Revival, Youth Scripture: Acts 14:23; II Timothy 1:12; Job 5:8 Using the proven folksong technique of "call and...
On sale! $1.56Voicing: Two-part, Piano with Optional Small Percussion Mark Burrows (Arranger) In 2009 composer Mark Burrows started a music academy for children in Kenya. In finding out that "What a...
On sale! $1.68An adaptation of the "Prayer of Habakkuk" (Habakkuk 3:2, 16b–19) by K. Lee Scott for SATB choir and piano. The setting features elegant choral writing and a piano part that supports the...
On sale! $1.68Voicing: SATB, Piano, Trumpet by Bradley Ellingboe A fine new offering for Reformation Sunday worship or for general use, this bold anthem by Bradley Ellingboe quites sections from the classic...
On sale! $1.64Words and Music by Rich Thompson, Jonny Robinson, and Michael Farren Arranged by James Koerts This modern hymn, made popular by the group City Alight, explores themes of redemption, hope,...
On sale! $1.88Voicing: two-part treble (may also be unison) Arranged by Valerie Shields Series Editor: Rebecca Rottsolk Instrumentation: optional descant and instrument(s) in C UU14
On sale! $1.84For SATB Voices, Solo, Accompanied Arranger: Brian Buda, Michael Barrett This joyful contemporary worship anthem has a good natured retro-vibe at its core. Its syncopated theme is easy to...
On sale! $1.68For SATB Voices Words by Mary Kay Beall Music by John Carter Enjoy the lilting gospel style setting of this profound text
On sale! $2.20 $1.76Voicing: SATB Voices and Piano Words and Music by Gary Lanier and Stan Pethel
On sale! $1.48No products
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