Voicing: SATB Arranged by Mark Hayes This stirring affirmation of faith combines original music based upon the well-loved text from Isaiah 43 with the equally well-loved hymn, "How Firm a...
On sale! $1.44Voicing: SATB Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring Words by William David Young and Ignaz Franz, music by Johann Sebastian Bach / arr. William David Young With flure and oboe (optional Bb clarinet)...
On sale! $1.56For SATB Voices with opt. Instrumental Ensemble Words and Music by Tracey Craig McKibben Tracey McKibben's beautiful, folk-like melody enhances her contemplative lyrics, magnifying the grace...
On sale! $1.72with "Shall We Gather at the River" Words By: Sanford F. Bennett Music By: Joseph P. Webster Setting By: Joel Raney Voicing: SATB w/opt. Rhythm Incorporating "Shall We Gather at the...
On sale! $2.56For SATB Voices and keyboard with opt. instrumental ensemble Words by Frances R. Havergal Music by Mark Hayes Take My Life, and Let It Be Consecrated was written by hymnist, Frances Ridley...
On sale! $1.48Patti Drennan SAB/Flute and Piano with optional Performance/Accompaniment CD For this emotive selection of Christian commitment, Patti Drennan adorned the beloved Frances Havergal text with a...
On sale! $1.72A gentle, touching hymn arrangement from Brian Hanson. Known for his fresh approach to nineteenth-century hymnody, Hanson incorporates two tunes (HENDON and PATMOS) in this heartwarming anthem....
On sale! $1.80Voicing: SATB Composer: Carl Czerny Author: Carl Czerny Editor: Martin Banner Scripture: Isaiah 6:3; Revelation 4:8-11; Philippians 2:11 Carl Czerny is known primarily for his piano music...
On sale! $1.80Voicing: SATB with Opt. Clarinet Incorporating "They That Wait Upon the Lord" and "On Eagle's Wings" "Teach Me, Lord, to Wait" by Stuart Hamblen; "On Eagle's Wings" by Michael Jones / arr....
On sale! $1.80For SATB Voices and Piano with Opt. Instrumental Ensemble Words and Music by Mary McDonald Written in an engaging jazz style, the rousing refrain of this Christmas anthem encourages believers...
On sale! $1.72No products
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