Charming and witty, this superb children¹s musical captivates the heart through its memorable melodies and humorous dialogue that creatively tells the story of Elijah. From his confrontation with...
On sale! $14.95 $9.00CD Preview Pak *Limit 1 Per Customer Nine New Songs for Modern Worship Choir & Congregation Arranged and Orchestrated by Cliff Duren, J. Daniel Smith, Tim Paul and Daniel Semsen
On sale! $14.00 $10.00Preview Pak, CD (Book and Demo Recording) Arranged by: Geron Davis, Phillip Keveren, Mike Speck, Cliff Duren, Bradley Knight, Gary Rhodes
On sale! $12.00 $7.00The Preview Kit includes Singer's Edition book and Demo CD. Voicing: Unison/two-part with piano and two optional C instruments Composer: Erik Whitehill
$14.95Preview Pack includes 1 Book and 1 Listening CD
$14.00CD Preview Pak Arranged by Dave Williamson
On sale! $14.00 $10.00Preview Pack Includes 1 Choral Book and 1 Listening CD *** 1 Per Customer**** Arrangers Lloyd Larson, Mary McDonald, Jay Rouse, Larry Shackley
On sale! $16.95 $10.00Book & Demo Recording Arranged by Mike Speck & Russell Mauldin
$16.00CD/Book Combo Arranged by: Mike Speck Orchestrated by: Wayne Haun Arranged by: Stan Whitmire
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